Ganesh Pyne Indian, 1937-2013
artwork vividly portrays a Baul singer, adorned in saffron attire, skillfully
strumming an ektara, a single-stringed instrument. It expertly captures the
mesmerizing and enigmatic essence that defines Baul singers. Pyne's meticulous
artistry is intricately woven around these mystical figures. The Baul
community, predominantly composed of Vaishnavites and Muslim Sufis, finds its
home in regions stretching across West Bengal, Tripura, Assam, Orissa, and
Bangladesh. This community serves as a vibrant embodiment of syncretic culture,
with its members representing a tapestry of diverse sects and religions. Their
rich heritage is lovingly preserved through the oral tradition of songs and
Pyne's profound fascination with this lush and syncretic landscape
steeped in themes of love and spirituality served as the driving force behind
his deep immersion in studying and portraying their cultural identity through
his artistry.