Dipak Banerjee's 'Kripamoyee', conveying an entity that is merciful and compassionate, effectively combines elements of Tantra and religious motifs to represent the essence of the Bengali goddess. Each of the...
Dipak Banerjee's "Kripamoyee", conveying an entity that is merciful and compassionate, effectively combines elements of Tantra and religious motifs to represent the essence of the Bengali goddess. Each of the twelve squares comprises a different motif, showcasing a lyrical fusion of spiritual elements like Indian gods, mandala, swastika, Bhumisparsha mudra, concentric pond of fishes, etc. Together, these symbols signify stages of spiritual life from the beginning, which is denoted by a swastika, to various states of yogini as seen in tantra mandalas, and eventually witnessing her oneness with the supreme represented by the Bhumisparsha posture. Banerjee’s traditional mode of presentation provides a renewed language and formula to the contemporary practice.