K. Laxma Goud's highly stylized paintings vividly portray the lush and wild flora-fauna, along with colorful depictions of lungi-clad tribal men and intricately adorned saree-clad tribal women. Renowned for their...
K. Laxma Goud's highly stylized paintings vividly portray the lush and wild flora-fauna, along with colorful depictions of lungi-clad tribal men and intricately adorned saree-clad tribal women. Renowned for their ribald nature, Goud's works boldly explore graphic representations of sexual life and offer nuanced psychological examinations of male-female interactions, infused with a touch of pathos and liberated from the societal taboos that often prevail in urban settings. Immensely nostalgic and surreal, Goud's art seeks to immortalize a way of life teetering on the brink of disruption due to rapid urbanization.