The sculpture titled 'Bholenath' stands as a captivating fusion of South Asian iconographic elements. Gupta's creation serves as a manifestation of Lord Shiva, drawing inspiration from multiple cultural sources. Incorporating...
The sculpture titled "Bholenath" stands as a captivating fusion of South Asian iconographic elements. Gupta's creation serves as a manifestation of Lord Shiva, drawing inspiration from multiple cultural sources. Incorporating motifs such as the crescent moon and the serpent, Gupta pays homage to the rich symbolism of Hindu iconography. Simultaneously, the sculpture's serene and contemplative facial features reflect the profound influence of Zen Buddhism's philosophical ideals. In the sculpture, Gupta has adeptly integrated a web-like texture into the depiction of the skin, imbuing it with distinctive features and elevating its realism. This harmonious blend of cultural motifs creates a visually captivating and spiritually resonant work of art.