Satish Gupta Indian, b. 1947
Wandering Cloud
Copper with patina, wax finish, and silver paint. Pedestal in white marble.
100” x 60” x 60”
Satish Gupta's The Wandering Cloud is a mesmerizing bronze sculpture inspired by his childhood fascination with clouds and celestial wonders. The piece captures the artist's connection to nature by reflecting...
Satish Gupta's The
Wandering Cloud is a mesmerizing bronze sculpture inspired by his childhood
fascination with clouds and celestial wonders. The piece captures the artist's
connection to nature by reflecting moments of adventure, secrets shared with
clouds, and the ethereal beauty of moonlit skies. Inspired by an epiphany
during a flight over the Himalayas, Gupta immortalizes the vision of an opening
amidst cumulus clouds, symbolizing a gateway to paradise.
Wandering Cloud is a mesmerizing bronze sculpture inspired by his childhood
fascination with clouds and celestial wonders. The piece captures the artist's
connection to nature by reflecting moments of adventure, secrets shared with
clouds, and the ethereal beauty of moonlit skies. Inspired by an epiphany
during a flight over the Himalayas, Gupta immortalizes the vision of an opening
amidst cumulus clouds, symbolizing a gateway to paradise.