Vasundhara Tewari Broota Indian, b. 1955
The Crossing - 1, 2015
Oil on Canvas
36" x 36"
Vansudhara Tewari Broota’s art broadens the paradigm of figurative painting as she explores the psycho-political political existence of the female body. As in this composition, colours and lines play a...
Vansudhara Tewari Broota’s art broadens the paradigm of figurative painting as she explores the psycho-political political existence of the female body. As in this composition, colours and lines play a major role in establishing the artist’s area of interest and speak about her understanding of internal and external spaces as a woman artist. What remains crucial here is that the human figure does become the central element here, but shares the equi-focal space with the background objects, giving equal significance to both.
Acquired from renowned Kolkata based collector. Artist certificate is available.3