Surya Prakash Indian, 1940-2019


"...the biggest challenge is to not give in to forces of competition, rather develop commitment to compete with one's own self..."

- Surya Prakash

Surya Prakash was born in 1940 in Madhira, Andhra Pradesh. He studied art in Hyderabad.
His paintings reflect the many moods of nature, and his inspirations are drawn from impressionists like Paul Cezanne and Claude Monet.
He leans towards creating paintings based on his perception of nature.
Colours that set the mood for autumn dominated his colour palette. His paintings are soft and walk on a tightrope between realistic and impressionistic work.
Surya Prakash has displayed abundantly throughout his career nationally and internationally and has received many awards for his artworks.

  • Surya Prakash, Untitled, 2014
    Surya Prakash
    Untitled, 2014
    19.1" x 13"
    Edition 2/10

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