Krishen Khanna Pakistani, b. 1925


"Ours is the modernity of the once colonized. The same historical process that has taught us the value of modernity has also made us the victims of modernity. Our attitude to modernity therefore cannot but be deeply ambiguous."

- Krishen Khanna

Krishen Khanna (b.1925) is a Pakistani artist. He studied at Imperial Service College in Windosor, England, and Punjab University in Lahore.
His earlier works were in abstractions then he later shifted to figurations. His motive for his artworks is to document moments in the present.
These figurations in his paintings are created in an expressionist manner, and the colour schemes highlight them. His colour palette is earthy and subdued with quick but smooth brushstrokes.
Khanna's work stands out because they are highly evocative and robust in their aesthetics.
Krishen Khanna has exhibited widely and has many merits to his name.

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