Thota Vaikuntam Indian, b. 1942

"I have taken everything from the village. I have taken the subjects and the colours they wear. They wear Indian colours like brown and yellow ochre. The hearts of villagers are very clear. They don’t play games and very open to everything. That’s why they adopt direct colours and that’s where I have taken those colours from. They are my inspiration, motivation and cultivation as well."
                                                                                                           - Thota Vaikuntam

Thota Vaikuntam hails from Andhra Pradesh in South India.
Vaikuntam's art is highly stylized; his paint application and execution of his charcoal drawings emit a sense of strength and power that his works encapsulate. Quotidian life of the people of rural Telangana, specifically the vibrant depiction of highly embellished women of his village, is a recurring theme in his works. Through his art, Vaikuntam sheds light on the sensual tradition that has been a prominent part of Indian mythology and art.
Vaikuntam has received many awards throughout his career. He has been a part of many group and solo shows.

Art Fairs

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